Booking Policy

Non-Refundable Booking Policy

Bookings made with us are subject to a non-refundable policy under any circumstances. Once a booking and payment are completed, no refunds are permitted for any reason.

Non-Refundability of Deposits: Deposits made at the time of booking are non-refundable under any circumstances.

Non-Refundability of Booking Payments: Once payment is made for a booking, the customer understands and agrees that such payment will not be refunded, regardless of circumstances.

Customer Responsibility: The customer is responsible for fully understanding the non-refundable policy before making a booking. It is strongly advised to carefully consider travel plans and evaluate the opportunity for protection through travel insurance.

Exceptions: No exceptions will be made to this policy unless expressly stated otherwise in specific contractual terms.

This policy has been implemented to ensure efficient management of bookings and to maintain operational sustainability of our company. Your understanding and cooperation are appreciated.

Thank you.



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